10 the fate of the final Level Students

type = ' ' > html 1. Diligent to Library

The final level students, no doubt told many look for reference, that the journal ntah ato thesis from alumni, n to g want them looking material in perpus perpus ato campus area ... Kalo yg originally they just once in semester 1 to perpus, can be ensured by the existence of their thesis should be to perpus many times, let dapet many revisions

2. Diligent Searching

In addition to perpus, many students who are required to search for additional materials on the internet, would ga mau (surely will) they are searching can sampe berjama-hour duration. heheheh tp probably most ngaskus & fesbuk rather than search for the materials.

3. buy papers & ink Diligent

Kalo is certainly gan, students must take n yg name paper for ink ngeprint thesis yg dah they create ... tp g jg, students so rarely extravagant at the paper, the reason for each chapter in konsulkan reply to professors, usually many yg dicoret2 and should be ngulang more

4. Up

99% probability of a lot of students who stayed up late, let alone kalo already entered the date line. wuuiihh can ampe hours 2 malem, 3 hours, 4 hours performed the morning prayer. even sampe g sleep

5. Eat regular ga

Sometimes too busy students, of kost, campus, perpus, blaa blaaa met professors and they eat blaaaaa nyebabkan g regularly ... morning breakfast, afternoon snacking talaga, malem g, tp midnight while staying up all those snacking again

6. Money kurung cekak

kurung cekak ato instead completely kagak have money you've always among the students. yaaapp satu2nya is ngutang road. udah g countless how many students in indonesia yg ngutang to cover however at the end of each semester. mo asked for submissions Carnaval, a shame because this month have 2 x ... Reply to akgir level, there is also a Thanksgiving ato research analysis, n yg pretty much needed funds … it could be one sample analysis of the cost of peneliatian ampe 300 rbu, bayankan aja klo yg many samples must be researched ... Add broke ajaa deh si students

7. Wait Lecturer Ampe Dry

Males ga sih, klo must wait for a lecturer, ditelpon datengnya g definitely promise 1 ato 2 hours again turns out after berjam2 g popped also ... ammmpooooonnn dahhhhh

8. Research fail

Here the severity of the gan, klo suppose ato research analysis failed in the middle of the road, apalgi kalo've urged professors to cepet finished ... What we add g hyacinth ... imagine how lucrative business we do, how much money we spend. klo ngebayangin, naudzubillah ... sad

9. D.O.W. N

don't these happened at sampe Bro2 sekalian, feel desperate, n g there in spirit again, this could happen because: research failed, saturated, ngeliat temennya already done, minder etc ... when we feel down, find a new variation of ato refresh right mind for a moment to ninggalkan the issue categorization. an important find new atmosphere. Tp inget kebawa don't get too comfortable, ntar skripsinya dilupaian émigré

10. Not Stable Emotions

Perhaps because of the influence of the atmosphere, student kadang2 so emotional. sometimes marah2 g clear, sometimes cry, sometimes self-dikamar. ngurung. yaaacchh ngebayangin their thesis done g.. Indeed g all, surely there's some tp ...

Perasaaan Pass if successful thesis:
Ranking: 5

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