Like what the heck Yes 10 content of laws or regulations that weird?
1. If you are pregnant (and a woman) in the United Kingdom then you are permitted by law to perform the ' release '/Pee wherever you want – even in a helmet, gitu deh police although we heard.
2. the people of Wales are prohibited entry into Chester before sunrise – and must leave Chester before sunset, according to the old laws.
3. which might explain the fact why shoot someone who comes from the Wales on Sunday in the city walls is an action that in theory/principle allowed – as long as done after midnight and the use of a bow.
4. If a whale is found in coastal United Kingdom then King could claim the head of the Pope and Queen have official rights would be the tail – just in case he needed some new bone to make a corset.
5. Alligator (alligator) in Arkansas should not saved/put on tub bathrooms/bathtub.
6. in Arizona, ass-ass banned pooping in the bath.
7. in Michigan, all the people who did the affair means also conducts criminal code penalties, according to the State, said: all those who want to plead guilty of committing adultery is considered a crime; and when the crime is carried out between a woman who was married to a man who hasn't/won't get married, the man could be declared guilty of committing adultery, and the penalties are the same.
8. Is the action illegal if died at the House of Parliament – seemingly because if they don't qualify for a State funeral and it is a burden (cost) for the Government.
9. on the other hand, however, a law is not repealed from 1313 States it is illegal to wear a suit if armor when entering the House of Parliament – no doubt even death be reasoned.
10. Oliver Cromwell decided he didn't want people to eat a piece of the pie pies on Christmas day, so he forbids them to do it in the 19th century. And it appears that the ban was still in effect today.
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