11 Tips to add the ability to communicate

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Here are some simple tips to increase kemampuang communicate:

1. be the first to introduce myself. Be the first to say "Hi" and lend a hand to be shaken. Or at least, be the first person to nod and smile, if it is not possible to be shaken.

2. If possible, always smiling every time meet or face with other people.

3. Maintain eye contact while speaking. But if it makes you feel uncomfortable, just the pandangi between the two eyes, they would not know. Not why if you want to divert the sight for a moment, but make sure they remain a major focus.

4. To improve the ability to communicate, listen, listen, and listen. People will mengtahuinya, when you really listen and respond to their talk.

5. don't cut! This is a very important thing. Let them complete the sentence, don't ever cut. If you feel very tempted to do so. So, with the cut of his talk, make them feel at remehkan.

6. do not proofread. When someone says something wrong, or wrong in terms of understanding the facts, don't feel the need to fix it. Unless it concerns the main topic. Often, people feel the need to be left to feel self-righteous. It's to prevent a situation so stiffen and uncomfortable.

7. Let them tell you. When someone feels the need to tell you something, allow. Notwithstanding the fact you have first to know. Let him feel first knew of the mu. Therefore, it would make her happy and feel better.

8. for many people, the most beautiful in the world is … her name. So, sering-seringlah mentions his name when were talking or communicating with him.

9. Choose use words wisely. Therefore, once the sliding, these words could not pull back on. Say the word ma'af is also not much good. So be careful!

10. never criticize, condemn, or complain. Therefore, it will cover the possibility of people to open up.

11. last, talked about the things that he thinks is interesting. Naturally, the man is being selfish. So, he just want to hear if it's important and profitable for ourselves.

Source of: http://www.ripiu.com/article/read/berkomunikasi

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