12 countries of the Middle East are being rocked by Action Demonstration

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12 Negara Ini Diguncang Aksi DemonstrasiAction against government demonstration and the revolution that occurred in the Middle East is found not only happening in Tunisia and Egypt. It turns out this action requires the existence of the revolution have also propagates a few other countries that are in the Middle East and North Africa also penetrated into for more details, here are the countries that experienced action demanding changes in the Government.

1. Algeria
The Government of Algeria declared immediately revoke Emergency legislation has been enacted over the past 20 years. The policy action was taken after a demonstration of power want change. In the action happened clashes between the security apparatus with pendemo.

2. Bahrain
Action of protest in the Persian Gulf, Bahrain killed a pendemo and police three people is critical. The demonstration was demanding political reform, political participation, respect for rights on human rights, and termination of systematic discrimination on Shia. The action was originally took place peacefully to authorities and then trying to dissolve with the use of rubber bullets and tear gas menyeprotkan.

3. Egypt
Demonstration in the country's pyramid lasted 18 days, managed to overthrow Hosni Mubarak 30 years past down from the Chair of the Presidency on Friday last week. However, the action continues on Monday demonstrations yesterday. Turn the apparatus of police who did the protest, they demand salary increases, reductions in working hours, and more. They also claimed to be ruled menembah pendemo opponents of the Government and threatened jail if refused.

4. Iran
Tens of thousands of pendemo do long mars in the way of the revolution in the capital of Iran, Tehran Monday yesterday. They protested against the President of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The action was originally took place peacefully when they move towards the Azadi Stadium Square. but clashes with police officers who want to deprive them inevitable.

5. Iraq
Thousands of people staged demonstrations in various cities this month. They are protesting rampant poverty, 45 percent unemployment figures, and the limited stock of food, electricity and water. After the protest, Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki announced that he will cut half her salary among the bad situation of public service provision and lack of water. Al-Maliki also said there will be continuing tenure for the third period after tenure ends in 2014.

6. Jordan
King Abdullah II appointed the new Government after Government protest anti. The new Government was given a mandate to undertake political reform. The situation the economic in Jordan hit by the global economic downturn and rising commodity prices, and high unemployment figures of the productive, as happened in Egypt.

7. Libya
Call for peaceful demonstrations that do action in celebration on Monday announced yesterday via social media facebook. This protest was in shadow the leader Moammar Gadhafi has ruled the country for almost 40 years. However, it is not known whether the action of protest was successfully done.

8. Government of Palestine
The Cabinet of Prime Minister Salam Fayyad's resignation handed to the Government of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Tuesday yesterday, a day after the announcement of the election in September. The Government of the Palestinians did not see any similarity demonstration as it happens in some Arab countries, but the Government criticised since the Aljazeera publishing confidential document negoisasi with Israel.

9. Syria
The Government of Syria's withdrawal plan to cancel subsidies that make the cost of living remains low. President Bashar al-Assad also gives interview to foreign media, something that rarely he did. In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, he said it would conduct reforms with the local elections, to include new media regulations, and provide more authority on private organizations. Plan of action "Day of anger" organized via Facebook has failed to be realized.

10. Sudan
Pendemo bentrik with the security apparatus in several locations. Human Rights Watch expressed the Government's use of excessive force during the peaceful action on 30 and 31 January in Khartoum and some city North calling for the cessation of power by the National Party Congress of the ruling. It also called for action pentapan increase in prices. In action it, apparatus using pipes, sticks and tear gas to drive pendemo. A number of pendemo were detained, including 20 people who are still missing.

11. Tunisia
After several weeks of demonstrations occurred, President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali leaving the country. Since then, Italy began to complain about the size of the waves of immigrants from Tunisia which entered its territory.

12. Yemen
Clashes between anti and pro Government in the capital of Yemen, Sana'a lasts for at least three consecutive days. As many as 200 people anti Government dealing with 300 pro-governmental. They are stones and brandishing knives and daggers.

Source of: http://lawan.us/12-negara-ini-diguncang-aksi-demonstrasi/

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