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1) Sky black and there is no such a colorful sunset because we need to spread the light atmosphere in order to view warna-warninya.
2) there is no sound because the sound needs air to sound
3) Earth looks like a giant blue ball
4) Gravity of Earth month only one sixth the gravity. If our weight on Earth 36 kg, then our weight on the moon will be the same with a small dog
5) on the Moon, we can throw a ball, jump higher, and felt as if we did a jump far floated at every step! Every time we hit a ball for example, kasti will fly away until the invisible
6) in the month, we will be higher. On Earth, gravity holding the bones at the back of us, so that it blends in very strong. But on the Moon, gravity is lower to make bone-the backbone of our accumulated not too dense. Eksta space gives us extra high.
Source of: http://www.bungakurnia.com/2010/12/suasana-ketika-kita-berada-di-bulan.html
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