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Who said smoking was always negative berdampat towards the health of smokers or people around? This undeniable understanding of the results of research conducted the Study Group of the University of Brawijaya Nano Sain Unfortunate. Even with cigarette smoke, the quality of life of people with degenerative diseases could be improved.
Professor of Cell Biology at the University of Brawijaya Malang, Prof. Sutiman b. Sumitro, say, some of the research and practice pembaluran using cigarette smoke clove cigarettes research results named Divine Field, has managed to help improve the quality of life of sufferers of various degenerative diseases. "Like cancer, stroke, altsheimer, kidney failure, hepatitis, spasmophile, myastemia, cerebal palsy, autism, and down syndrom," said Sutiman told reporters in Jakarta, Saturday (7/2).
Together with the chemist-physics alumni Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) Dr. Gretta Zahar, Sutiman do some research about the Divine Kretek since 2005. Divine Kretek is the result of the thinking approach to establish the concept of Nano Sain relationship this disease with various levels of Hg metal + metal (metallic mercury) in the body. Sutiman explained, from the results of the research it does, the members of the Group of Nano Sain some researchers from the fields of medicine, chemistry and physics it creates Divine Kretek which served as controller of the danger of free radicals and metallic mercury in the blood.
"Our Team can be toxic to mentrasformasikan cigarette smoking smoky healthy, odorless and eco-friendly through Divine Kretek. A series of trials against groups of animals as well as volunteer smokers have done. This predictably strong smoke speed up the process of detoxification for being able to minimize the toxins the body at the nano scale (sepersemiliar meters). In the form of nano, toxins can come out of the tissues and the skin without damaging so not leave scars, "he said.
Sutiman added, in principle it is dangerous when cigarette smoke chemistry content such as penantrin, nicotine, and mercury-free particle. However, when the chemical content of compounds and it remained in the group to form the polymer, the cigarette smoke is not dangerous. "So sesunguhnya cigarette smoke containing hazardous components, but when the group will then neutralize each other," he said.
Sedangan Manager "Healthy House" Dr. Saraswati Subagjo MPsi says, with Devine Kretek with cancer can be cured. The reason, the process of detoxifikasi pembaluran the skin with the use of various ingredients peluruh free radicals that are combined with cigarette smoke clove cigarettes that shaped filter Devine and liquid that can lift the mercury and other harmful metals from the body.
Healthy homes and the study group on Nano Sain berinduk Radicals Decay Research Institute (LPPRB) develop a process of detoxifikasi that can lift the dangerous metal toxins such as mercury, or mercury from the body of the patient. From porses pembaluran, cancer and some other illnesses can be treated as in principle the body has the ability to do self regeneration and reparation self
Professor of Cell Biology at the University of Brawijaya Malang, Prof. Sutiman b. Sumitro, say, some of the research and practice pembaluran using cigarette smoke clove cigarettes research results named Divine Field, has managed to help improve the quality of life of sufferers of various degenerative diseases. "Like cancer, stroke, altsheimer, kidney failure, hepatitis, spasmophile, myastemia, cerebal palsy, autism, and down syndrom," said Sutiman told reporters in Jakarta, Saturday (7/2).
Together with the chemist-physics alumni Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) Dr. Gretta Zahar, Sutiman do some research about the Divine Kretek since 2005. Divine Kretek is the result of the thinking approach to establish the concept of Nano Sain relationship this disease with various levels of Hg metal + metal (metallic mercury) in the body. Sutiman explained, from the results of the research it does, the members of the Group of Nano Sain some researchers from the fields of medicine, chemistry and physics it creates Divine Kretek which served as controller of the danger of free radicals and metallic mercury in the blood.
"Our Team can be toxic to mentrasformasikan cigarette smoking smoky healthy, odorless and eco-friendly through Divine Kretek. A series of trials against groups of animals as well as volunteer smokers have done. This predictably strong smoke speed up the process of detoxification for being able to minimize the toxins the body at the nano scale (sepersemiliar meters). In the form of nano, toxins can come out of the tissues and the skin without damaging so not leave scars, "he said.
Sutiman added, in principle it is dangerous when cigarette smoke chemistry content such as penantrin, nicotine, and mercury-free particle. However, when the chemical content of compounds and it remained in the group to form the polymer, the cigarette smoke is not dangerous. "So sesunguhnya cigarette smoke containing hazardous components, but when the group will then neutralize each other," he said.
Sedangan Manager "Healthy House" Dr. Saraswati Subagjo MPsi says, with Devine Kretek with cancer can be cured. The reason, the process of detoxifikasi pembaluran the skin with the use of various ingredients peluruh free radicals that are combined with cigarette smoke clove cigarettes that shaped filter Devine and liquid that can lift the mercury and other harmful metals from the body.
Healthy homes and the study group on Nano Sain berinduk Radicals Decay Research Institute (LPPRB) develop a process of detoxifikasi that can lift the dangerous metal toxins such as mercury, or mercury from the body of the patient. From porses pembaluran, cancer and some other illnesses can be treated as in principle the body has the ability to do self regeneration and reparation self
Source: http://www.jpnn.com/read/2011/02/08/83911/Haah ...!-Cigarette-Smoke-be-so-Drug-
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