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PCiklopedia.co.cc-the human brain is shrinking as the development environment centres is increasingly complex.
Professor David Geary, psychologists from the University of Missoury, along with his colleagues who have been studying the evolution of the size of a human skull was 1.9 million to 10 thousand years ago, found that the size of the brain shrinking in line with the ever increasing population density.
The hypothesis that they use are more and more humans who live together in adjacent, then more and more exchanges that occur in groups, the neat divisions of work function, and the rich and diverse interaction among fellow human beings. "When the community with a more complex social order emerges, the brain shrink because humans do not need to be as clever as ever to survive," said AFP Geary as quoted.
Hypothesis Geary and his team were in accordance with the results of research that reveals the human brain shrinks during 30 thousand years. The size of the average brain of modern humans-Homo sapiens-decreasing to around 10 per cent during the period from 1500 to cubic centimeter 1359, the size of a tennis ball. The measurements are performed with the using of the skull found in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia was also found that female brain smaller than average size in the man's brain was having penysutan in the same amount.
Even so, the experts of anthropology is not too surprised by the phenomenon of shrinkage of the human brain. The reason, according to them, the size of the brain is closely related to the size of the body. The great and powerful human body, the greater the size of the brain to control it.
Anthropologists refer to Neanderthal "Cousin" modern man's body is much larger, have a bigger brain, too. So is the man of Cro-Magnon-makes a great beast in the cave paintings of Lascaux 17 thousand years ago--that her body is more powerful than its predecessor. According to Geary, characteristics that are indeed necessary in the face of an environment full of danger.
However, the shrinking of the brain does not mean more stupid than modern man parent. "This just shows that the brain of modern humans evolved in different ways and have a more complicated form kecedasan," knot Brian Hare, Assistant Professor of anthropology of Dukue University.
Professor David Geary, psychologists from the University of Missoury, along with his colleagues who have been studying the evolution of the size of a human skull was 1.9 million to 10 thousand years ago, found that the size of the brain shrinking in line with the ever increasing population density.
The hypothesis that they use are more and more humans who live together in adjacent, then more and more exchanges that occur in groups, the neat divisions of work function, and the rich and diverse interaction among fellow human beings. "When the community with a more complex social order emerges, the brain shrink because humans do not need to be as clever as ever to survive," said AFP Geary as quoted.
Hypothesis Geary and his team were in accordance with the results of research that reveals the human brain shrinks during 30 thousand years. The size of the average brain of modern humans-Homo sapiens-decreasing to around 10 per cent during the period from 1500 to cubic centimeter 1359, the size of a tennis ball. The measurements are performed with the using of the skull found in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia was also found that female brain smaller than average size in the man's brain was having penysutan in the same amount.
Even so, the experts of anthropology is not too surprised by the phenomenon of shrinkage of the human brain. The reason, according to them, the size of the brain is closely related to the size of the body. The great and powerful human body, the greater the size of the brain to control it.
Anthropologists refer to Neanderthal "Cousin" modern man's body is much larger, have a bigger brain, too. So is the man of Cro-Magnon-makes a great beast in the cave paintings of Lascaux 17 thousand years ago--that her body is more powerful than its predecessor. According to Geary, characteristics that are indeed necessary in the face of an environment full of danger.
However, the shrinking of the brain does not mean more stupid than modern man parent. "This just shows that the brain of modern humans evolved in different ways and have a more complicated form kecedasan," knot Brian Hare, Assistant Professor of anthropology of Dukue University.
Source of: http://www.pciklopedia.co.cc/2011/02/pciklopedia.html
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