The story of the tragic And Witty, Always Ranks at the school Finally 4eva

type = ' ' html > Fate people sometimes hard to guess and penal, who think hard, Um once and smart, could be a commercial sex worker (PSK)-Usd 350 thousand-500 thousand for a short time. While sitting on the bench ELEMENTARY and JUNIOR HIGH school took it out, before the party, he always enters big ten rankings in its class. However, the intelligence of an undue attention of Um. Parents who lived in Pringsewu, belongs to the poor. When moved to Bandar Lampung, 17 year old girl living in this environment that make it mischievous.
Memprihatinkan banyaknya prostitusi melibatkan para pelajar dibawah umur karena alasan ekonomi
Alarming number of prostitution involve students under age due to economic reasons
Um bodied skinny it concerns, since he was small, the family was not harmonized conditions. The youngest of two children tell, when class III SD at Pringsewu, the father and his mother often quarrel. A when after the great quarrels, his father left home and not know where goings. Even, Um pleaded not quite remember what it looks like his likeness. "I don't remember anymore. MOM just saying if his father is away and not return, "she told the Tribune.
Family matters slightly more disturbing his studies. After a quarrel that makes her father went, Um since class I to III SD always rank one, slumped into a ranking of the two current class IV. "Start classes IV through VI, sometimes I become a champion class, or the number two, or three numbers. (Rank decrease) due to family circumstances kepikiran, "said Um.
After graduating from ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, the mother to his aunt in entrusting Um Bandar Lampung. This is because the mother Um bump the economic problems, so not willing to menyekolahkannya to the level of JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL. Finally, Um has lived in Bandar Lampung. In the town of Filters Series, Um JUNIOR school in one Country favorites. When education at SMP Negeri well-known, respected because brained Um quite diluted. Start class I till the middle of class II, Um always enters big ten rankings in its class.
When a class II, Um started skipping school acquainted. Therefore, he sometimes feel somewhat unfettered. So often truant, Um and then called the school to be warned. Even so, this is not the bridge woman learned my lesson. He instead often skipping school, though just to hang out at the place of entertainment. Lastly, he was expelled from schools around 2007. For not attending, Um-minded to seek employment, but never can.
"I then invited into PSK by Tati, a friend to hang out. I do know, he's been a long 4eva, though still in school. Because don't know anymore how, I thank it, "said Um. Um told, men the first time the masher that he serve is a student from a local college. The man that he knew through a friend who offered him a job.
When it 's, Um, get paid to reach USD 1.5 million. This after he admitted was still a Virgin, never do an intimate relationship. In the course ' profession ' until now, Um peg our Rp 350 thousand-500 thousand for a short time. "But don't judge me. However, I do not want to work like this. Circumstances that force. If you already have a lot of money, want to go public, and this job will I leave, "the lid.

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Ranking: 5

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