This Is The Unique Fact About The Left-handed

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Left-handed is a habit we always (more often) using the left hand to do the job, rich write, eat, or grasp something. According to The Left Handers Club, an organization of left-handed people never consider that the left-handed it is an abnormality, but instead, they say it is COOL reply LEFT-HANDED!!

Nih all things berhubugan with lefty:


Till this moment, no other doctors or scientists who know for sure what causes lefty. There are several theories which gave reasons why someone may be left-handed, but truth has not been tested.

According to Fabiola Priscilla Setiawan, m. Psi, child and adolescent psychologist, left-handed happens if someone more dominant right brain than his left brain.

"Right brain that regulates the body left, while the left brain regulates body right. People are more comfortable using the body left, including the left hand, means that his brain is more dominant, "Ya Febi (these calls remain) explains.

What's the cause? It could be due to environmental factors, kalo emang pake a child brought up on the left hand of the child, or it could be due to genetic factors. "If in one family is right-handed, chances are there are other family members to be left-handed as well. For example, or a nephew, "said psychologist who is also left-handed.

Mother who passed through the difficult process of childbirth, and too often do an ULTRASOUND when pregnant, also touted as it causes lefty. A difficult childbirth causes babies lack of oxygen in the brain. "Too often ULTRASOUND also suspected can cause changes in the brain of the fetus. Consequently, the baby is born so left-handed, "told Ya Febi.


Gara-gara dominated right brain, left-handed people so much more creative than people who used to use the right hand. Left brain function set things related to logic, while the right brain organizing abstract things like art, language, music, and emotions.

"That is, people who are left-handed usually good pictures. So dont wonder if many musicians, painters, actors, and artists thound left-handed, "says psychologist who practiced in institutions of Applied Psychology of the UI.

As a result of the right brain is more dominant, the children left-handed is also usually have an imaginary and imagination that power is high, which makes them so more creative than the children of thound right.
It benefits. Kalo shortcomings?

"A left-handed Children are usually more sensitive. They also tend to not pede, let alone kalo environment did not accept him as a lefty. Research shows people are left-handed kalo competence and people are "normal" that is actually the same kok, "Ya Febi confirms.


Important nih! Kalo lo left-handed, never tried to change so the right-hander's right hand user aliases. Including the reply sent by parents or teachers. Kalo dipaksain, the effect is thus would not make good lo, both psychologically and in achievements. Ya ngasih example through experience Febi, "my good Time SD achievements, always get rank.

But once sitting in fourth grade, I was not allowed to enter the class if I dont learn pake right hand, including the right writer pake hands. It's really difficult for me. Write so slow, thinkers also so dont concentrated. Let alone kalo teacher again dictate notes or ngasih matter mencongak. Since then, my achievements, "said directly drop Ya Febi.

The lefty who've played maksain changed so "normal" is also usually so anxious, sleep more easily compromised, not confident, even could be stuttering. Huh?! Stuttering?

"Yes, this usually occurs in children who often reminded the hard way, for example dibentak, pake's right hand. Consequently he was so willing to do whatever misgivings, so all afraid, "Ya Febi explains.
The case is also experienced by King George VI, King of the United Kingdom are so stuttering and dyslexia as a result of being forced to use right-handed, although she originally is a lefty.

"Right hand and left hand of God's creation is both. No good or bad. Important, for things like shake, keep the normative conditioned pake's right hand. But the reply to write or ngelempar ball, Yes please aja pake which hand you think is most convenient. Inget deh, Lord nyiptain everyone with the advantages and disadvantages. And, it's not a lack of left-handed! "cover Ya Febi.

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